About Mundo Looks

Mundo Looks is your fashion central for international looks and style of women just like you. We showcase female bloggers who harbor a love for fashion and document their daily wardrobe. We just put it all in one place for you to have a glimpse into the kind of beautiful women from around the world that have fabulous fashion.

Bloggers that we love:

Fabulously 30 - America
The Quirky Stylista - South Africa
Louis Philippe de Gagoue - Ivory Coast
Fashion Coolture - Brazil
Chata de Galocha! - Brazil
Kira Fashion - Brazil
Dulce Candy - America
Gabi Fresh - America
Kenza - Sweden
Fifi Lapin - UK
Break My Style - Philippines
What I Wore - America
Street Peeper - America
Atlantic-Pacific - America
Bryan Boy - Philippines
Le Blog de Betty - France
Advanced Style - America